Cambewarra Far North Collector Road 


Shoalhaven, NSW


Cleary Bros



Moddex bikeway barriers ensure cyclist safety on major road

Connecting Cambewarra with Nowra, the $38 million Far North Collector Road is a transformative project for Shoalhaven, NSW, and a key piece of regional infrastructure. To protect cyclists and pedestrians navigating its four new bridges and other busy sections, Moddex supplied nearly 500 metres of its Bikesafe® Bikeway Barriers.

“The Moddex product is simple to install and maintain, making it ideal for this type of project,” says Matthew Winchester, Co‑Head of Construction at Cleary Bros, the main contractor “And because it’s a no-weld system, it’s easier to accommodate any unexpected changes on site, which can often happen.”

A specialised product for rapid turnaround

Bikesafe® barriers provide continuous full or partial offset protection across culverts, bridges, headwalls and hazards. Their smooth and continuous top rails are specifically designed to reduce injury risks for pedestrians and cyclists travelling at speed.

For Cleary Bros, the pre-engineered system ensured the necessary safety standards were met quick and easy.

“Once you’re ready to go on a particular section, Moddex comes in to take measurements and then provides drawings for you and the client to approve, and ensure everyone’s happy,” Matthew explains. “Because Bikesafe® aligns with Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6A and 6B, we’re confident there won’t be compliance issues.”

After CAD drawings were approved, Moddex manufactured the pre-engineered sections and shipped them to site. Installed by Moddex’s preferred South Coast contractor, the hot-dipped galvanised sections required no on-site welding, cutting or alterations, enabling a swift and seamless installation process.

Modular system offers flexibility and ease of repair

With responsibility for ensuring the railings were compliant and maintaining them for 12 months before handing the project over to Council, Cleary Bros appreciated the flexibility and reliability of Moddex’s galvanised, no-weld modular system.

“After work was completed, another contractor needed to install a sewer on one of the bridges, which meant cutting out a section of the handrails,” Matthew recalls. “To bring it back into compliance, Moddex quickly fabricated panels to fit around the sewer.  Their modular system allows you to adapt to almost anything that arises.”

The system’s ease of repair also stood out. “Fabrication drawings are held permanently on file”, Matthew says. “If Council needs to fix something, they can simply mark up the damaged area, send the drawing to Moddex, and get a replacement section fabricated and delivered quickly.”

A practical, compliant and adaptable solution

Moddex Bikesafe® barriers provided a reliable and flexible solution for cyclist safety on the Far North Collector Road project. With straightforward installation, minimal maintenance and flexibility for repairs, the system ensures long-term safety and durability for Shoalhaven’s cyclists and pedestrians.

Find out more

To learn more about our balustrade products and specification services, get in touch with our team of experts.



Shoalhaven, NSW


Cleary Bros



Cambewarra Far North Collector Road