Project Overview
Spearheaded by the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta (PW2PA) Alliance, in collaboration with the Government of South Australia – Department of Infrastructure & Transport, the recently completed Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project is a new important link in Australia’s National Land Transport Network.
Located in Port Augusta, South Australia, the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project consists of the development of a two-lane, two-way bridge, over the ARTC rail corridor, shared user pathways, remediation and intersection upgrades – for the enhancement of road safety, freight efficiency, and regional connectivity of road infrastructure across the nation.
A critical road artery for commuter, commercial, and freight vehicles, facilitating vital access across the Spencer Gulf, the new Joy Baluch AM Bridge is a warmly welcomed asset to the region that connects the Eyre Peninsula, northern South Australia, and beyond.
Jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments, the project represents a concerted effort to modernise road infrastructure, foster economic growth, and promote cultural inclusivity within the region. Through strategic collaboration and innovative solutions, the project will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Moddex is pleased to share our contribution to this vital road infrastructure project through the supply of Bikesafe® Bikeway Barriers, Conectabal® Commercial Balustrades, and Assistrail® Disability Handrails along the shared pedestrian and cyclist paths and new lanes across the new bridge infrastructure.
Bikeway Barriers For Safer Shared User Pathways
Over 1200 lineal metres of Bikesafe® Bikeway Barriers (BS20 & BS40) were specified to provide a compliant and safe barrier between the road and the shared pedestrian paths on both sides of the dual traffic bridge.

Featuring a smooth and continuous top rail for injury prevention, Bikesafe® Barriers protect pedestrians and cyclists traveling at speed on shared pathways and motorists traveling on the bridge road. Moddex Bikeway Barriers are designed to align with Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6A and 6B and the NZTA Bridge Manual – providing the ultimate protection for cyclists traveling at speed.
Commercial Balustrades for Road & Transport Compliance
More than 100 lineal metres of Conectabal® Commercial Balustrades were specified between the dual traffic lanes.
Specifically, Conectabal® Commercial Balustrades Configuration CB10 (Standard Balustrade for level applications above one metre (FFL), was selected to secure fit-for-purpose compliance.
Moddex commercial and industrial balustrades offer a high safety load rating and will comply with every application standard, with nine configurations available in the Conectabal range.
Assistrail® Disability Handrails
Assistrail® Disability Handrails (AR150) was selected for adaptive compliance at necessary ramp locations, in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and National Construction Code (NCC), and Australian Standard AS1428.
Why was Moddex Chosen?
Moddex was selected as a supply partner not only for our modular system flexibility but also for our expertise when it comes to adapting to project complexities and securing certainty every step of the way.
Given Moddex’s extensive experience on large road infrastructure projects and the reputation of our modular barrier systems that ensure turnkey compliance, was also a deciding factor for the PW2PA Alliance.
Another advantage of choosing our pre-fabricated barrier systems for this project is that all components are easily replaceable if damaged throughout the lifetime of the bridge.
Ready to find out how Moddex can help you?
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